For all those users who have downloaded and installed Call of Duty Legends Apk and want to Fix COD Legends Apk New user registration Error. There is a fix. You can download the Apk and OBB/Data files separately as mentioned in our download guide.
The first time I opened the game after downloading almost 1.5 GB of data. The disappointment pops up. with this message which reads as:
What Causes this Call of Duty Legends Error:
Since the Call of Duty: Legends of War Alpha Test! version. So you can’t go full throttle in the game. The developers at Tencent Games want to first test the Alpha version of the game. So they want to test it with lesser players. The Final version of the game is expected soon. Here is the official announcement made by Tencent Games.
Legends is in early Alpha, and we’re working hard to improve the game by fixing bugs, adding content, and compiling player feedback! Give your feedback in our Questionnaire under the Orders Tab In-Game, or Like our Facebook Page at and leave us a comment!
Thanks for playing and giving your feedback to create the best game possible for our fans!
How to fix COD Legends Apk New user registration Error:
First of all make sure that you have followed all the instructions in the given apk guide. Now follow this guide
- Download the Apk and Data/ OBB files separately.
- First Install the Apk file and then move the OBB file to the required destination.
- Once done before opening the game Connect with any VPN with China option available.
- Because the Game Alpha version is only available by Tencent China. So you should go for the China VPN.
- Once done with connecting to the Chinese VPN. You can now open the game and enjoy.
I hope that your COD Legends Apk Error might fixed now. I have followed these instructions and found the error removed from my game. If you are still experiencing any error. Make sure to comment below.
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